Life and Times of Scrooge,  Tuomas

The Life & Times of Scrooge su Topolino

croppedimage151203-3055copertSul numero di Topolino di questa settimana (n. 3055) è possibile trovare un breve articolo scritto da Francesca Agrati dedicato al lavoro di Tuomas.

Grazie ad Alessandro, potete trovare uno screen dell’articolo qui sotto! Ringraziamo inoltre Elisabetta per la segnalazione!

(Cliccate sull’immagine per ingrandirla)

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In Italy’s #3055 of Mickey Mouse Magazine (Topolino) there’s a short article about Tuomas’ Life and Times oF Scrooge. Here’s a translation :


A  famous finnish composer and one of the best Disney’s artists joined their forces to celebrate the adventurous life of the world’s richest duck, The result is a real soundtrack inspired by Scrooge McDuck!

Music Inspired by The Life and Time of Scrooge is the title of Tuomas Holopainen’s striking work: the finnish composer and keybord was inspired by Scrooge’s Saga and Don Rosa’s works, who designed the cover art.

The ten tracks are a mixture of classical and folk music, both instrumental and sung, and they are all thought to be listened while reading or imagining Scrooge adventures, from his childhood to the Klondike, filled with treasures, struggles, satisfactions and homesickness!

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