From Italy To Endless Love: a web-serie about the italian fans

Almost 5 years ago, Nightwishers present a work in progress project. Our intent was to create a web serie dedicated to the italian fans of the band. We had a wonderful feedback from our followers, so we were able to work with 8 of them on our fandocumentary. Every week the participants had a video to shoot, discussing various topics chosen to show how passionate and tied the italian fans are.

Furthermore, many months before the idea became a thing we got in touch with Adriano, who told us that he would have taken part in the Kitee International Music and Art Festival. Thanks to the huge bulk of videos that he provided directly from Finland, we were able to set up a second section of the documentary, entirely dedicated to the Festival. Among the KIMAF artists the idea of a fandoc gained interest and many participants agreed on having an interview with Adriano

For us editors, this is the our last ride of the day but we are ready to show you our work.

Siamo giunti alla conclusione (per noi addetti ai lavori) di questo bellissimo viaggio, ma siamo pronti e carichi per mostrarvi finalmente il frutto del nostro lavoro.

The web serie is made up of two parts:

  • From Italy To Endless Love: 5 episodes, published every Tuesday
  • From Italy To Endless Love: A Kitee Story:  5 episode+ 3 bonus videos, published every FridayThe videos have been subtitled in italian and english, so that fans from all over the world can enjoy it.

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